Austrian Database for Scholarships and Research Grants –
Marietta Blau-Grant for Minnesota
Country of origin:
Austria; Canada; Czechia; Hungary; Israel; Netherlands
Target country:
United States
Area of study or research:
Social Sciences
Psychology, Economics, Educational Science, Sociology, Law, Political Sciences, Other and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Type of grant:
Detailed type of grant:
Research grants
Target group:
Funding organisation:
Republic of Austria, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF);
Awarding organisation: OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation; Mobility Programmes and Cooperation
10 months
Grant benefit paid:
Monthly allowance: up to EUR 1,660.--
Own funds necessary
Costs for accomodation must be paid out of the schloparshp.
No travel costs subsidy from the BMBWF
After arriving in Minnesota the grant recipient will get his/her travel expenses reimbursed by the Center for Austrian Studies (CAS) when presenting the appropriate receipts. The CAS will also bear the costs of a health and accident insurance in Minnesota.
Closing date for applications:
01. 02. 2024
the latest
Application form:
An application is only possible electronically at
Application in English!
Advice on how to apply:
  • Promotion of young researchers
  • Promotion of scientific cooperation with Austrian Universities
  • Promotion of scientific cooperation among the Austrian Centers
Grant for studying at the Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota for a Marietta Blau-Grant for Minnesota; for research for a dissertation focusing on economic sciences, social sciences, humanities or music studies (regardless of which faculty the student belongs to).
The grant holder is expected to assist in various fields at the Center for Austrian Studies. Students are expected to become active members of the Center for Austrian Studies and to participate in its academic programmes and activities, including attendance at lectures, seminars and workshops. The grant recipient will be invited and is expected to assist the director in the design, formulation, planning, organization and/or reporting of Center programmes. Moreover, the grant recipient will be asked to present a lecture at the Center on his/her dissertation research during his/her residency. Grant holders can only attend courses as auditors, not for academic credit. The grant holder will not be enrolled as a degree programme student.
The grant's objective is to help optimise the recipient's doctoral thesis; therefore, the grant must be consumed before the thesis is handed in. Stays which last longer than the estimated end of the PhD-studies cannot be granted.

Target group:
highly qualified doctoral candidates who are enrolled in a doctoral or PhD programme at an Austrian public University, accredited private University or at one of the following Universities with an Austrian-Center (study fields applicable to the focuses of the Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota):
  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Center for Austrian Studies)
  • Palacký-University Olomouc (Research Centre for German Moravian Literature)
  • Leiden University (Chair of Central European Studies with a focus on Austria)
  • Andrassy University Budapest (Faculty of Central European Studies)
  • University of Alberta (Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies)
  • University of California, Berkeley (Institute of European Studies, Austrian Studies Programme)
  • University of New Orleans (Center Austria)

Age limit:
no age limit, but as the programme is aimed at young academics and researchers, the professional or academic career goals supported by the grant should be both realistic and feasible.

Eligibility criteria:
1. Applicants of an Austrian University:
  • having a degree from an Austrian public university, accredited private university, university of applied sciences or university college of teacher education (
  • current enrollment in a PhD programme at an Austrian public university or accredited private university
  • letter of recommendation from the doctoral thesis supervisor
  • excellent English skills (if possible TOEFL or comparable evidence)
  • excellent Computer skills
  • the candidate has to wait for the grant notification before moving abroad to the college site and must have spent the year of application for most of its part in Austria (i.e., no stays abroad exceeding the period of 6 months!); OeAD lectures are excluded from this regulation.
2. Applicants of one of the following universities with the affiliated Austrian Centers:
  • current enrollment in a PhD programme at the
    • Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Center for Austrian Studies)
    • Palacký-University Olomouc (Research Centre for German Moravian Literature)
    • Leiden University (Chair of Central European Studies with a focus on Austria)
    • Andrassy University Budapest (Faculty of Central European Studies)
    • University of Alberta (Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies)
    • University of California Berkeley (Institute of European Studies, Austrian Studies Programme)
    • University of New Orleans (Center Austria)
  • letter of recommendation from the Austrian Center's director
  • excellent English skills (if possible TOEFL or comparable evidence)
  • excellent computer skills
  • the candidate has to wait for the grant notification before moving abroad to the college site
General information:
  • The selection process is competitive – even if all grant requirements are fulfilled, there is no legal claim to a grant. It is possible to apply for several programmes, but separate application forms have to be submitted for each application
  • The presence of the chosen candidate on-site and the scientific pursuit of her/his project and academic schedule is compulsory
  • The chosen candidate is not allowed to engage in any gainful employment besides her/his academic duties
  • Incomplete and delayed applications cannot be taken into account
  • Grants have to be consumed within the period of time agreed upon (possible starting dates: August 16th, September 1st or September 16th)
Reporting commitment:
Scholarship holders are obliged to submit a final report at the end of their scholarship stay.

Grant contract/grant award:
Grant recipients will be issued a grant contract (Letter of Award and Letter of Acceptance). It defines the following: start and end date of the grant, grant amount, payment modalities, compulsory attendance at the guest institution, performance report and final report, data protection, repayment obligations and other conditions and requirements.

The Center for Austrian Studies, which has been in place since 1977, is the focal point in the United States for the study of Austria, the Habsburg Empire, and its Central European successor states. The Center sponsors research and academic training across the disciplines in the humanities, the social sciences, the applied sciences, business administration, and the fine arts. It serves as a clearinghouse for information about interdisciplinary studies concerning Austria and the region through its publications and conferences, and it connects institutions and scholars in the United States with their counterparts in Austria and Central Europe.
Further Information:

Data protection:
Applicants note that the personal data provided within their application will be processed diligently on the legal basis of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Austrian Data Protection regulations, in particular § 2g Research Organisation Act (Forschungsorganisationsgesetz - FOG), Federal Law Gazette No. 341/1981, and OeAD Act (OeAD-Gesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 99/2008, all in their current versions, for the purpose of handling their application and compiling statistics. The OeAD is responsible for processing the applicant's data. More information is available at
Selection procedure:
Multi-step selection procedure:
1. Check of the application documents for formal criteria and plausibility
2. Check and evaluation by the Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota
3. Ranking of the applicants by the Center for Austrian Studies
4. Final decision and award by the BMBWF
Further information:
The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the OeAD do not guarantee that a stay at your destination or at the host institution, including the journey, will be possible, safe and harmless to health if a scholarship is granted. The scholarship holders have to decide themselves whether or not they want to embark on their studies or research stay. The BMBWF and the OeAD do not assume any liability – especially in case of trips to countries or regions for which travel warnings exist – for any complications or resulting additional costs or damages that may arise during your stay at or the journey to your destination or host institution. It is strongly recommended that you take out adequate health, accident and repatriation insurance that is valid at your destination. You, the scholarship holder, are responsible yourself for taking out insurance. The scholarship holder must observe the current conditions of the host institution regarding attendance/participation as well as the current entry conditions of the respective destination countries and the travel advice of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA).

Recipients having an EUR-bank account will get transferred the grant directly from the OeAD.
Recipients without an EUR-bank account, will get paid the scholarship by the respective Center for Austrian Studies in the local currency. Attention: currency fluctations are possible!

Legal Basis in Austria:
Federal Ministries Act 1986, Federal Law Gazette No. 164/2017
Federal Finance Act (Bundesfinanzgesetz) as in force at the date the scholarship was awarded
OeAD Act, Federal Law Gazette I No. 99/2008, in its current version
Research Organisation Act (Forschungsorganisationsgesetz - FOG), Federal Law Gazette No. 341/1981, in its current version
Cultural Convention between Austria and Hungary (Federal Law Gazette No. 519/1977)
Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Finance on General Framework Agreements for the Granting of Federal Funds (Allgemeine Rahmenrichtlinie – ARR), Federal Law Gazette No. 208/2014, in its current version
Special Guidelines for the Granting of Federal Funds according to section § 5 ARR 2014, Federal Law Gazette No. 208/2014
Decree BMBWF GZ 2023-0.455.727

Further Information about the Center for Austrian Studies at:

Contact at the OeAD-GmbH:
Mobility Programmes and Cooperation
Ebendorferstraße 7
1010 Vienna, Austria
T +43 (1) 534 08-445
Last update:
Request date:
08.07.2024 23:55:27